Full modifikasi Yamaha RX King dengan Pro Arm

Friday, October 15, 2010

Motor sport is fast, nimble and agile. That is the character of the Yamaha RX-King who was legendary as a king in the category 2-stroke motor. The advantage is that trying to maintain Koh Awi when modifying so it looks more macho and futuristic.

Therefore, like the fuel tank by Budi Udin Fakkar of Jatayu Motor Sport modify retained its authenticity. Only, Budi add a small glass on the left side of the tank to monitor fuel supplies. Then, close the tub clutch made transparent. "In addition to the uniqueness, also can monitor the oil impurities," said Budi.

Another uniqueness of the RX-King looks at the legs are made more modern. Like the front sokbreker modified models upside down from Aprilia. In this section also selected as quasi diameter is not too wide, only 40 mm, so as not to damage the theme.

While the rear suspension system following the design of the Honda NSR 150 SP adopt a single arm (pro arm) plus monosok. "In other words, be more up to date without losing the characteristics of the RX-King. Also according to customer expectations," said Budi.

The impression of the RX-King as a fast sport bike powered by Budi use racing exhaust. Then, the design of seating with aft taper only begotten Son la MotoGP. And look increasingly gahar using Spies Hecker paint with red Ferrari series.


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