Modif tiptoe shoes

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Modif tiptoe shoes

Modif Yamaha Vega

Modif Yamaha Vega

Modifikasi Suzuki Spin Ceper

Modifikasi Suzuki Spin Ceper

Suzuki Spin Modifikasi

Suzuki Spin Modifikasi

vario modif

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kalau aliran modifikasinya, ya sudah biasa. Desain knalpot model rangkap seperti Harley, ini sudah ada yang pakai. Begitu juga rumah CVT yang dimelarkan, pun sudah ada yang melakoninya.
Lantas dari sisi mana yang jadi terobosan? Perhatikan pemakaian velg depan dan belakang. Di sini, Antonius ingin kasih unjuk, kalau dengan ukuran yang berbeda jauh, motor masih bisa melaju dengan aman dan enak. Untuk itu, velg depan disematkan ukuran 14 inci, sedangkan belakang 20 inci.
Untuk menjejalkan roda belakang berdiameter sebesar itu tentu butuh banyak rombakan. Di antaranya memundurkan sumbu roda sampai 20 cm dan dianggap Anton—sapaan akrab Antonius—sebagai ukuran minimal dan ban tidak ngesrot.
Memasang velg mobil, ada beberapa trik. Seperti saat pasang teromol asli, punya Vario dikawinkan dengan bagian tengah velg mobil yang diikat dengan 4 baut ukuran 12, tanpa ada pengelasan sama sekali.
Bisa ditebak, roda yang superbesar pasti mentok pada belakang mesin. Solusinya, rumah CVT dipanjangkan. "Caranya, rumah CVT dipotong lantas ditambah daging aluminium 10 cm dan dilas argon. Tebal aluminium 5 mm," ungkap Anton. Dengan begitu, ia juga mengatakan, v-belt harus diganti dengan yang lebih panjang melalui pemakaian timing belt mobil atau dari alat berat.
Untuk pemakaian velg besar, enggak cuma CVT dan sumbu roda yang dimodifikasi. Bagian tertentu di bodi juga ada yang terkena modifikasi. Seperti tangki bensin, Anton harus membuat yang baru, berkapasitas 2,5 liter, terbuat dari pelat besi 2 mm. Posisinya digeser ke atas boks CVT.

motor bebek modifikasi

Sunday, July 19, 2009

motor bebek modifikasi

Modifikasi vespa klasik

Friday, July 17, 2009

Modifikasi vespa klasik

Modifikasi vespa Mini

Modifikasi vespa Mini

What's in the mind when you hear the word 'Japan'? State of progress and sophistication with the technology side by side but remain consistent with the cultural uniqueness. Or one of the country that is now seen as the starting center of the world fashion trend. Or may also be one of the largest automotive manufacturers in dunia.Well, all the above is generally a fairly accurate description of Japan, especially for the last mentioned. As one of the largest manufacturers of automotive, Japan succeeded in exporting its products to various countries dibelahan world. Even the successful market in some countries. Various types of vehicles, both four wheels and two wheels of different types of succession enliven the world automotive market. In addition to the car or the motor itself, there is one thing that is also quite interesting to be, the modification of the style of the country's sunrise. Style of ornamentation that is now also began to participate in the infecting various parts of the world,

Nissan 370Z

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So, the new 370Z has been released and I personally think it looks great. I didn't think the 350Z could be improved that much but they've done it. Also new is the option of a dual clutch gearbox and a 3.7 litre V6 with 322bhp.

Detroit Mini Choppers

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Detroit Mini Choppers

This is an absolute fun ride and if you want to buy this custom crafted mini chopper then you better be careful where you are taking it out for a ride. This mini chopper is not street legal and is barely something you would go bidding for. The design of the flames on the body is pretty common and one look at both the front and the back wheels tell you how funny it is. If you want your kid to have a fun ride on a 50 cc and pretend that he is a big bad guy on a Harley-Davidson

Mini Chopper

Mini Chopper

News Chopper

News Chopper


Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Bad Radical chopper

Bad Radical chopper

Johnny Walker Chopper, Frame

Johnny Walker Chopper, Frame

Most distinctive is the paintwork. Beige and white blend together on the sheet metal, while wheels are finished in brown -- an unusual color combination in the chopper world. But other elements are unusual as well, including the tooled leather seat, custom-bent exhaust, and lattice grillwork gracing the frame. The creased fuel tank is another unique piece, and it all combines to set Johnny Walker apart from the chopper crowd

Johnny Pag Custom Chopper.

Johnny Pag Custom Chopper.

3D Model of Custom Chopper

3D Model of Custom Chopper
